Useful Links

Do you want to know more about what Christians believe? Try this websites: 

Would you like further information about the Methodist Church?  Click  here or try this website:

The Buzz is a great resource that brings the whole Methodist Connexion together and allows us to share what’s happening in our districts, circuits, churches and church groups. Please click the link to the latest edition:  

Also try – a Methodist website that explores contemporary issues (news, film, ongoing debate) from a faith based perspective – based at Methodist Church House in London. or click on the logo above.

A Word in Time ( ) features a daily Bible reading, background and an explanation of the text, reflections and questions to ponder from that week’s contributor. It follows the readings in the Methodist Prayer Handbook bringing the 40,000 readers of the handbook together with online disciples in their search for daily spirituality.  

An audio file of each day’s Bible study, and a bigger file with all of the studies for each week can easily be downloaded onto a computer or mp3 player, so that users can listen at a time convenient to them. 

Find out about persecuted christians around the world:

Orpington Christian Counselling Service is a local counselling service 

If you are facing any difficulties you would like to talk over with a counsellor, in confidence, please contact the Counselling Service to arrange an appointment. OCCS offers counselling to anyone who wants to talk over their struggles or problems. We are happy to see anyone of any faith or no faith. Click here for further details.